Thursday, 19 May 2016

Amrit ras

This juice is a wonderful mixture of some very effective
Ingredients: Amla, Harar, Bahera, Ghrit Kumari, Tulsi,Giloya
Increases Immunity of the body
Neutralizes the effect of pesticides
Reduces Bad Cholesterol
Helpful in diabetes
Cures constipation
hyper acidity &Obesity
Increases platelet count in dengue, Chicken Guinea

Children 5ml to 10 ml thrice a day

Adults: 10ml to 15ml thrice a day
Net Vol:500ml

Amla juice

Amla is Emblica officinalis. Amla is a fruit which is a very rich source of vitamin C. It is also known as Indian Gooseberry. The juice of this fruit is very beneficial for our health.
Each 500ml. contains pure Amla juice (Emblica Officinalis Amla juice everyday twice helps in relieving asthma and bronchitis complications. Amla juice regulates bowel movements and cures chronic constipation. Taking 30 ml of amla juice daily twice to relieve slow and burning urination. In the summer season, Amla juice keeps our body cool in the height of summer. Taking amla juice in the morning makes your face glowy and free from blemishes. Amla juice increases red blood cells in the body.
Amla juice gives strength to heart muscles and is a remedy for heart problems. Eye sight improves considerably by drinking this juice. Amla juice rejuvenates the body and prevents aging. In fact it is used as an anti-aging remedy.
5-10ml for children
10-15ml for adults
Net Vol: 500ml.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is a species of succulent plant that probably originated in northern Africa. Extracts from A. Vera are widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries, being marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing or soothing properties.
Ingredients: Each 500 ml. contains Pure Aloe Vera juice (Ghrit Kumari)
  • Aloe vera 18 metal, 15 amino acids and 12 vitamins that are designed to overcome the lack of blood disease - resistance will increase
  • Peel off the prickly leaves of aloe vera juice is extracted. Cmmdc juice empty stomach in the morning to take 3 to 4 days - agility and energy throughout the body remains.
  • Constipation by drinking aloe vera juice benefits from the disease.
  • Drinking aloe vera juice sugar levels in the body remains properly
  • Aloe vera juice, piles, diabetes, uterine diseases and disorders of the stomach.
  • Drinking aloe vera juice malfunction of the skin, acne, rough skin, sun Jhulsi skin, wrinkles, facial blemishes, dark circles of the eyes can be overcome.
  • Aloe vera juice helps maintain skin moisture, making the skin look healthy. 
  • Aloe vera juice daily intake can be used to ease the pain of the joints of the body.
Herbal cosmetic products, such as aloe vera aloe vera gel for enhanced beauty, body lotions, hair gels, skin gels, shampoos, soaps, facial foam, etc. are being used.
Dosage: 30ml.twice a day before meals
Pack Size: 500ml.

insulin plant leaves

Insulin Leaves
We have one more miraculous product for diabetics i.e. Insulin plant. Insulin plant belongs to the family Costaceae. It is now accepted and used widely as an Ayurvedic medicinal herb. Less than 1% of Indian population knows about this wonderful plant and its magical effect on diabetes. It is 100% natural and has no side effects
It's a Magical control for Diabetes. Its leaf helps to build up insulin in the human body so it is commonly known as insulin plant in India.
The catchphrase of this plant is “a leaf a day keeps diabetes away".
We also have the dried leaves of this plant. Consumption of the leaves are believed to lower blood glucose levels, and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant did report a fall in their blood glucose levels. Powder of these leaves is also available. Two tea spoons of this powder have to be consumed per day
Pack size:60gms (1 month dosage) dry insulin plant leaves

Noni juice

Noni(Morinda citrifolia) is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae.
Ingredients: Noni Fruit Juice (Morinda Citrifolia), Coccum fruit Ras Noni is rich in proteins, supportive enzymes, vitamins, minerals and unique phyto nutrients which our body requires daily
The Benefits of Noni Juice :
Child Care
  • As Brain tonic, to increase I.Q.
  • Boon for hyper active children
  • To reduce stress and perform better in exams
Women Care
  • To relive pre menstrual problems like depression, pain, mood swings and back ache.
  • Can alter the Hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal syndrome
  • For purifying blood and improves the texture of the skin
  • For Healthy & Shiny Hair Growth
Men Care
  • Choice of daily tonic for highly skilled professionals like doctors, engineers, managers, business tycoons, advocates and IT Professionals
  • Helps to enhance Sexual Activity
  • Works as tonic and protector for regular smokers and drinkers
  • Choice of health drink for the health conscious, who are regularly performing exercise or Yoga.
Senior Citizen
  • To control diabetes and its complications.
  • Depression, Insomnia & Other Mental Disorders.
  • Problems of prostate, sexual weakness and urinary system.
  • Before and after heart attack. Helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol & for Mild to Moderate blood pressure.
  • As an Adjuvant in the therapy of Angina.
  • To relive constipation & regularize bowel habits.
  • To slower the progress of the cancer.
  • When chemotherapy, radio therapy or surgery is contra-indicated.
  • To minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and radio therapy.
Immunity Promoter in HIV-AIDS.
Helps to slower the viral load
To prevent and treat skin diseases like psoriasis, syphilis, acne, etc
For children: 5-10ml twice a day
For Adults: 10-15 ml for Adults
Net Vol: 500ml.

shugar apple

SHUGAR APPLE is an amazing anti diabetic herbal food supplement. It has four Ingredients i.e. Elephant Apple, Stevia, Ashwagandha, Fenugreek. According to a latest research in Ayurvedic college Elephant Apple has anti diabetic properties which can control diabetes within 21 days. It is a 100% herbal product with no side effects.
Regular use of Shugar Apple helps to:
  • Reduce elevated blood glucose level
  • Regulate the release of glucose into blood stream.
  • Reduce elevated total cholesterol, LDL,VLDL and Triglycerides level.
  • Stimulates pancreas to secrete insulin.
  • Its utilization corrects faulty sugar metabolism
  • Protects vital organs kidney, liver, heart, limbs, eyes, nerve, against damage due to diabetes.
  • Reduce elevated blood pressure.
  • Improves overall health and stamina which leads to better sexual performance
  • Cure pain in hips and backache
  • Weight loss and boost energy level
  • Remove weakness and makes the body strong
Most of the anti diabetic supplements available in the market are usually very bitter in taste hence they are very difficult to consume but  the unique feature of our product is that it is anti diabetic but sweet in taste hence very easy to consume.
Dosage: 1 provided spoon twice a day with lukewarm water
Pack size: 150gms

Triphala juice

Triphala Juice
Triphala is one of the most popular herbal preparations in the world. Triphala is used to help appetite and digestion, increase the number of red blood cells and aid in removal of offensive fat in the body. Triphala can be used to clear congestion and headaches.
Triphala is composed of three fruits, namely Harada (haritaki), Amla (amalaki) and Behada (bibhitaki)
It acts as an antioxidant agent preventing any free radical formation in the body.
It is helpful in regularizing the normal peristaltic movements that are very essential for proper passage of food from one organ to another
It acts as an appetizer as it helps in proper digestion of the food.
it helps in secretion of the bile juices that are very much required for fat metabolism.
It is very much helpful in reducing the plaque formation in the arteries thereby reducing the risk of heart related problems caused due to arteriosclerosis.
Triphala helps in maintaining the proper levels of the cholesterol in the body thereby preventing us from fatal and deadly heart problems. 
It is very much effective in suppressing any kind of infection or foreign invasion.
It is helpful in maintaining the proper secretions of the endocrinal system.
It is an excellent remedy for eyes related problems and helps in improving the eye vision and strengthens the muscles of the eyes.
Dosage:-30ml twice a day
Net Vol: 500ml.